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Baby travelling essentials and tips

Travelling with a baby is usually associated with stress and a lot of the time we tend to imagine the worst that can happen and we think parents deserve a gold star for flying with a baby. Full hands, heavy bags and evil looks make this a supreme parenting challenge. However, the good news is, infants can actually make quite good travel companions.  They complain and move about far less than toddlers, they don’t need their own full-size bed, you don’t need to buy a separate plane ticket; The bad news is its a little daunting thinking about what you need to pack since little travellers need a surprising amount of stuff! 


Alejandro and Pablo are going on vacation with their children. Let's see what obstacles they face.

Alejandro: Did you pack all the stuff for your child? Are you ready for a trip?

Pablo: Yes, I did. Did you? Why are you such in rush? What’s going on?

AlejandroNo I didn’t, I feel like I have to take everything from a nursery…

Pablo: No, you don’t. You need to write your travel list for a baby and be rational about that.

Alejandro: Okay, yes, you’re right.

Pablo: Let’s keep a running list of things to take or put items out on a table or dresser as you think of them.

  • Diapers and diaper cream
  • Disposable Changing Pad
  • Plastic bags (for disposing purposes)
  • Blankets
  • Wet Wipes
  • Tissues
  • Travel-size hand sanitizer, baby wash and baby lotion
  • Pacifiers and bottles
  • Favorite toy
  • Clothes, socks and shoes
  • Washable bibs and burping cloth
  • Breast milk or formula
  • Car seat for safer travel by car or plane
  • Collapsible stroller
  • First-aid kit

    Pablo: Where are going to put all the baby’s stuff?

    AlejandroI was thinking to take small suitcase, why?

    Pablo: Well remember the story when we had awkward situation 4 years ago when we were coming in hotel and the baby’s bag leaked aaaand something dropped on the floor. We were so embarrassed... so believe me better be prepared for leaky diapers and baby spit-up, take an extra outfit or better twoand an extra shirt for you – and put into a diaper bag with a waterproof lining and a shoulder strap.

    Alejandro: Oooh yeah haha thanks😅




    Pablo: Don’t forget about first-aid kit

    AlejandroYes yes.. where are they?...

    Pablo: Just take out of their packages and put all medicine into a plastic box, and about clothes you can pack each of your baby's outfits in its own zipped plastic bag so you don't have to hunt around for tiny socks, shirts, and so on.

    Alejandro: Do you think I need to take the phone number for a baby's healthcare provider in case I have questions while I’m on the road?

    Pablo: Yeah probably better to take.

    AlejandroWeeell I think I’m ready to go


    Pablo: Passports?  Airplane bassinet?

    AlejandroTook everything!

    Pablo: Then lets go the plane is in 3 hours

    AlejandroO my I almost forgot to take her favourite toy..

    Pablo: Candies and earplugs? Why?

    AlejandroMy wife advised me that to avoid malevolent stares when we are flying with an infant, she always brings goody bags for the people seated near us. She read it in some newspapers how two couples became Internet-famous for offering candy and earplugs with a cute note to their fellow passengers. And that’s why we always bring that for people near us in the plane.


    Pablo: Wow never heard about this story but its defiantly great idea😉 

    AlejandroHave you seen a travel cot? I can’t find it anywhere

    Pablo: Hey relax I get it it’s the first time when you fly without your wife, but it will be fine, and we can take travel cot. For long international flights, you can request a free bassinet where your baby can sleep.

    AlejandroThank you

    Pablo then I’m ready let’s go, only 2 hours and a half left

    Pablo: Yes, our car is waiting already…